Start Date: 12/19/2023 9:00 AM EST
End Date: 12/19/2023 12:00 PM EST
Venue Name: Live-streaming via Zoom
Organization Name:
FREE Fair Housing, Bias, and Ethics Seminar, approved in MA for 3-hours of R and NR CE credit.
The MBREA recognizes the importance of preserving public trust in appraising. All MBREA members must attend this seminar, it's open to all appraisers at no cost.
This three-hour program is designed to review appraisers' responsibilities to the public, and to the appraisal profession. The seminar focuses on Fair Housing, Bias, and Ethics by blending guidance from USPAP, a brief history of redlining, a review of the MBREA’s Code of Ethics and more. Through an interactive lecture format and case studies, appraisers, upon completion of the seminar, will have a renewed appreciation of the role they play in preserving the public’s trust in appraising.
Instructor: William J. Pastuszek, Jr., MRA, MAI