Appraisal Hall of Fame

Appraisal Hall of Fame
In 2009, to celebrate its 75th anniversary, the MBREA established an Appraisal Hall of Fame. To qualify, an individual has to have made significant contributions to the appraisal profession. This includes appraisers, as well as other professionals. A new class of inductees is installed every five years. The current members of the Appraisal Hall of Fame are:

Class of 2024
Gregory Accetta, MRA
Lianne Andreucci
John Cena, Sr.
Anthony Federico, RA
Karen Friel, MRA
Richard Semerjian
Richard Simmons, Jr., RA
Deborah Sousa

Class of 2019
Jonathan Avery, MRA
Lorrie Beaumont, RA
Arthur Boyle
Allan Cohen, MRA
Kathy Condon
Richard Goulet, MRA
Paul Reynolds, MRA
Robert Saben, MRA
Stephen Sousa
Steven Spangle, RA

Class of 2014
Robert Bostrom, RA
David Bunton
Karl "Chip" Case, Ph.D.
Steve Elliott, MRA
Paul Giroux, MRA
Mary Granville, MRA
Chester Nicora, MRA
William Pastuszek, Jr., MRA
Peter Tetreault, MRA

Class of 2009
Charles B. Akerson
Leon Boudreau, MRA
Abigail Burns, MRA
Steve Byrnes, MRA
Richard J. Dennis, Sr., MRA
John Hewitt, MRA
Paul A. Kinsella, MRA
John Quincy, Jr., MRA
Richard Simmons, Sr., MRA
William D. Stewart, MRA
Tony Trodella, MRA
Timothy M. Warren, Jr